Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dear Blog Family, I know it has been a long time since I have posted to this blog. So many things have happened since then (Personal illness, among a lot of other things) that I don't really know where to begin to explain about them all. I apologize for my absence, but that is the way life is, sometimes. We each of us get busy with life's ups and downs and before we know it a good bit of time has gone by and things we would have liked to be able to do have been left undone. I know that some of Our Bae-family members have lost loved ones and that others have seen the births of new family members. Some of the family members have died and new members have joined our ranks. Whether the changes have been good or bad, life has still brought them to Our Family. Human beings need to experience changes in life, because change equals growth and without the potential to grow as human beings, we tend to become complacent about our lives and to stop seeking the growth that we need to survive as human beings. "What does all of this have to do with BYJ and the Bae-family?", some may ask. Well, the answer is simple. No matter how much we may grow apart as individuals, we are still bound together by our common interest in and love for Our Yong joon-ssi. Love is the force which stabilizes our lives and allows us to reach out and grow as people while still remaining anchored to the things that we hold as being important in life; family, friends and all our common interests, including our love for one another and for our Prince, Bae Yong Joon. Love and hugs to you all!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Long Time Missing...

Hello, dear Bae-Family. I am not going to try to apologize for not posting to this blog for a very long time, now. I will just say I have had so much going on in my life (moving to a different apartment, trouble with my WiFi internet connection, and personal illness), which has kept me from even visiting American Bae Fan, much less writing any posts here. I have missed being here among the other blogger family members, and reading all the wonderful blog-posts which I know they wrote and posted in my absence. I have been fortunate to be able to stay in touch with many of our Bae-family members on Facebook, from time to time, but even that was limited by the problems which I listed above. I love all Our blogger Family members, and the Bae-Family who read these blogs, very much. I am glad I have a chance to post here once again. I would like to thank all of Our Bae-Family who 'friended' me on Facebook, and who joined the 'Our Charming Prince: Bae Yong Joon' Family/Fan page there:
I am proud to say that the page had gone over the 850 member mark as of the end of July, this year. (That is a good number of members on a fan page which is not even two years old, yet.) Of course, I couldn't have kept Our fan page going without the help of my co-administrator, Bae-sis Chestener Gorden. She is a dear lady who worked on 'OCP:BYJ' alone, during the times when I was too ill to be there. And she has kept things going there, just recently, while I was taking some time off, to visit with my own family. I feel that I owe her so much, but I doubt that she would agree with me about that. Anyway, I am going to try to be here on this blogsite more, and do more things here for our dear Bae-Family members, because I feel as if I have been neglecting a great duty by not coming here and posting things about Our BYJ for the Family to enjoy, and write comments about the things I post. I hope all our dear Bae-Family members understand about the circumstances in our daily lives that can, so often, keep us from doing the sort of things we feel we should be doing for those we love. It's like moving away from our flesh-and-blood family members, and not getting to see them as often as we would like. We love and miss them but we can't always do something about it. Well, I am going to try to do something about this blog of mine, and I want the Bae-family members to feel like this is their blog, too, and to post comments here and enjoy the things I post here, too. I love you, my dear Bae-Family members who have been faithful to visit this blog, and all the other Family members who may one day visit here, too. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. And, a special thanks to Our Charming BYJ, for bringing us all together as a Family, in the first place. Hugs, dears!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

So Many Things...

Hi, dear Family.
In the past few weeks I have noticed so many things going on within our BaeFamily; not just with Our Charming Prince, but with our Baesisters as well. The tragedy of death, the miracle of new life, moving from one home to another, traveling because of a job, starting a new website, overcoming difficulties of one sort or another; just living life in general. Having Birthdays, Anniversaries (marriage, blogging, and other kinds), meeting new friends (on the internet as well as in person). Finding our Family members in unexpected, but exciting places (Youtube, Facebook, etc.). It is all a part of living, and learning, which is a very important part of life itself. Without the hard things in life, we would obviously not appreciate the joys, laughter and happiness we are able to share with our Sisters. It is good to know they are there to help us deal with the sorrows as well.
As we Family in The States get ready for our Thanksgiving holiday, I am looking back on the last couple of months with mixed feelings. Sorrow at the loss of people who were important in my life; several of whom I was priviledged to call friends. Joy at the birth of babies (welcome to the Family, little Edward). The love of newly met BaeFamily members by the dozens. All of these things have helped me to grow as a person in many ways. I am sad for all those who have recently suffered losses of family members, I am happy for those with new family additions, and I am grateful to the Facebook sisters I have met, who have helped me feel even more a part of this wonderful BaeFamily. God bless you all, as the holiday season begins, and also throughout the rest of this year and beyond. Love to all Family everywhere. Anna