Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Short Break...

Hi to all of the dear BaeFamily,
I am sad to be posting this message on my blog. My son and I suffered a terrible loss, early Tuesday morning. A dear friend of the family was tragically killed while walking to work. It is hard for me to write this, but I did not want anyone to worry if I did not post here or comment on any of the blogs. I am going to take a bit of time off, in order to deal with the loss of a young man who was like a son to me. I am sorry this posting is off topic, but I just can't do any blogging right now. (Be assured that I will still read the other sister's postings from time to time.) I don't know how long or short my absence will be. I only know the pain I am feeling right now. Thank you all, my dear Family, for your understanding. And, thank you, in advance for any comments. Take care, and be well. Love to all Family, everywhere. Anna

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I Am Sorry...

Hello, Family.
I hope all of you are well on this hot and beautiful 'high' summer day.

I am posting this, today, because I have come to a sad realization. I have just been fooling myself. I have wanted to believe that I have been a welcome part of this Family, and, to some of the blogger Family members, I have. I am thankful and grateful to those few. (You dear ladies know who you are.) (I understand that many are busy with their own lives, yet many of them take the time to acknowledge other sister's comments. Why not mine? What have I done to offend them? I really want to know. In fact, I feel I have a right to know, so please, won't some of you tell me?)

I know I am still a relative newcomer  and outsider to many of the Family, but I also know I love Our Charming Prince as much as anyone else who posts these blogs. And, I also know that I am a BYJ Family member in good standing. All I had to do to achieve that status was to sign up as a Family member on The BYJ Official site, because he welcomes and loves everyone; no matter who they are or their country of origin.  (The concept is, after all, "Humane Living", isn't it? To truly try to love everyone in the world.)

It just saddens me to know I have, pretty much, with few exceptions, been banging my head against a wall, here, hoping for acceptance. The thing is, I am here to stay, for as long as this is the direction in which my life takes me. From my viewpoint, that will be a long time. Acceptance is good, and desirable, but not always given. Still, I have learned a valuable lesson from the great Martin Luther, who founded the Lutheran Church. When he was shunned and ridiculed by his peers, he wrote:

"They drew a circle and shut me out;
Heretic, rebel; a thing to flout.
But, love and I had the wit to win,
We drew a circle, and took them in."

So, you see, I will still continue to love all of the BaeFamily, all around the world; regardless of how they see me, or what they think of me. (I don't have to know them personally; I just have to believe the same way as Our Yong Joon-ssi.) I am sorry if this offends anyone, but I must speak my mind, here. And, Josephine, dear, before you or Tamar say anything, in your direct, but always refreshing and always welcome manner, thank you, both, and thanks to the other few sisters for showing me your kindness and sisterly friendship. It is very much appreciated.

I could say more, but I won't. I would just like, please, for the sisters to read this, and think about what I've said. (I know I don't post comments on all of the sister's sites. Please forgive me if this fact has offended any of you bloggers. It isn't because I don't love you; it is because you often blog about topics which don't interest me. That is just my preference, and has nothing to do with any of you, personally. Your tastes in entertainment, and celebrities are fine with me. Just, please understand if I don't share them. It is great that you all like the singers and actors that you do like. I say, more power to you. I have my other favorite celebrities as well. I am a huge Ko Yu-Jin fan, though I doubt there are many of those here, besides me. That's fine, too. I like reading the different postings about celebrities besides Our Charming Prince; although the ones about him are the most special to me. Those blog posts have helped me gain a greater appreciation for all of the talented Asian celebrities out there whom I have not yet discovered. (A special 'thank you' to all of the Kim Hyun Joong fans.) Whoever you sisters like and admire, I will be like I told sister bb; be yourselves and like whom and what you like, and I will cheer and applaud you. And I will say 'you go, girl!")

Again, a special, heartfelt thank you to the sisters who have taken me into their hearts as a member of this dear Family that means as much to me as my own flesh and blood family, or any of my other friends. Take care, and please know I didn't write any of this to hurt anyone here; but only because I have been hurt and I had to make my feelings known in the matter. (Perhaps some of the sisters have not consciously ignored me, but I really don't know. To any with whom this may be the case, my apologies.) Take care, and be well, everyone.

Love to all family, everywhere.

PS: If anyone wishes to comment on this blog, they are still always welcome, but I probably won't be doing much commenting on other blogs. Not for now, anyway. A.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Here We Go Again...

Hi, dear Family,
I am sorry I haven't posted here in a few days. My laptop computer crashed 5 days ago and I had to get a friend to help me restore all of it's programs.
I wrote a posting for one of my other blogsites, 'Something Rather Unusual', a few days prior to 'the crash' which dealt with the fact that many people were always asking me about the Avatar I had here and on my 'Facebook' account. I explained about that Avatar in that particular blogposting. Anyone wishing to read it can find it on the blogsite mentioned above.
Well, I changed that 'Facebook' Avatar because I got so many questions and comments about it. I put my favorite BYJ picture in its place:

Now people keep asking me about this picture, too. I am always getting e-mails from female friends who want to know who the 'handsome guy' is, where did I get this picture, and so on. I am not surprised by this, because Our Charming Prince will be popular and admired wherever he is seen, no matter which photos, videos, TV series, or movies with him in them, that people see. 
I don't mind answering questions about this pic the way I minded about my other Avatar. (That one is a long story and it is hard to keep telling it over and over again.) If people want to know about Our BYJ, I just give them the 'American Bae Fan' URL and tell them to check it out and all of the other Baeblogs as well. That is so much easier to do than to keep relating the same story on and on. It makes me very grateful to have this blog and to have access to all of the other BaeFamily sites, as well. Thank you, sisters, for having these blogs. You, and they, are all very much appreciated.  Take care, and be well, all BaeFamily everywhere. 

(Note: I also have this picture as my laptop's desktop background, so I can look at Our Charming Prince the first thing in the morning, after I log on to my computer. What a beautiful way to start the day! Sigh.)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

It's Not You...

Hi dear family.
Today I am posting this to send a special message to all of the Baesisters. Whenever I post rants on my 'Roaming Mind' blogsite, they are not meant to include any of the Bae Family. I have never seen where any of you ladies have done any of the things that I have ranted about in that blog. My rants are directed toward those people who speak English as a first language and who don't seem to know how to use it very well in spite of that fact. I understand if people of other nationalities have trouble with my language; I have had trouble learning Korean, and I am still having trouble. I honestly have to say that, in general, the Asian Bae Family use my language better than a lot of people who were born English speakers. Bravo, ladies! I am proud to know all of you. But, it does make me ashamed of a lot of Caucasian Americans who don't seem to know, or care, about not abusing the English language. You all could stand as good examples to many of them. Again, I say Bravo! Take care and be well.
Love to all,